澳门新莆京7906not官方网站 - 澳门新莆京app7906


作者: 扬兴科技 日期:2021-10-20 浏览量:

  SHENZHEN YANGXING TECHNOLOGY CO, LTD, herein declare the metal Conflict-Free on

  products supplied to customers:

  澳门新莆京7906not官方网站亦将详细的调查供应链以确保金(Au)、钽(Ta)、钨(m)、钴(Co)、锡(Sn)这五金属并非通过无政府军团或非法集团,由刚果民主共和国冲突区域之矿区开采或是非法走私途径取得。此外,下列国家出口之金属皆不符合「无冲突规范」:刚果民主共和国(DRC)、卢旺达( Rwanda),鸟干达( Uganda).布隆迪( Burundi)、坦桑尼亚( Tanzania).肯尼亚( Kenya)(联合国安全理事会认定上述国家皆为刚果矿脉之矿产)。

  SHENZHEN YANGXING TECHNOLOGY CO, LTD is taking and will take due diligence within our

  Supply chain to assure DRC Conflict-Free“for the metals of gold (Au), tantalum (Ta), tungsten(W).cobalt( Co)and tin(Sn) are not derived from or sourced from mines in conflict areas of the DemocraticRepublic of Congo(DRC), or illegally taxed on trade routes, either of which are controlled bynon-govemmental military groups, or unlawful military factions. Trade routes not confirmed to be“Conflict Free“include direct exports from the DRC, as well as exports through Rwanda, Uganda,Burundi, Tanzania and Kenya(countries of whom the U N. Security Council note are global export routes for DRC -mined minerals)

  本公司保证任何出售于客户之产品所含金属皆符合冲突规范 DRC Conflict-Free)

  We would like to confirm metals used in Prodncts sold to client are“DRC Conflict-Free

